Kate's Karriage

  • Kate's Karriage is a 1948 Willys CJ2A.
  • It only had 2 previous owners, both whom were ranchers in southern Colorado.

Restoration Diary

Click on each day's photo for diary details.

first inspection
January 26, 2007:
Found this Jeep on the back lot of a southern Colorado Ranch.
arrival day
March 24, 2007:
Hauled it home on a rainy day and started looking at the details.

without canopy
April 02, 2007:
Peeled off the canopy to start cleaning the inside.
arrival day
April 08, 2007:
Four hours with the pressure washer, and it was still greasy-dirty.

April 21 and 22, 2007:
Gas tank rust removal using electrolysis.
removing body tub
May 04, 2007:
Removing the body.

body tub condition
May 13, 2007:
Body and Frame Condition.
engine head
May 25, 2007:
Parts and Pieces.

painted gas tank
June 03, 2007:
Restoration Begins.
sanded body tub
August 25, 2007:
The Sand Blasted Body Tub.

wirebrushing wheels
September 15, 2007:
Wire Brushing and Priming Wheels.
new hat channel
November 18, 2007:

the paintbooth framework
January 12 and April 05, 2008:
Getting Down to Painting.
kate and her karriage
May 27, 2008:
Prepping the body tub for painting.

body tub primed
June 10, 2008:
Body tub priming and painting of first coat of yellow.
yellow tub, first coat
June 17, 2008:
Completed first coat of yellow.

sanding painted tub 02
July 25, 2008:
Sanding the yellow tub; Sandblasting parts.
sandblasted engine
August 24, 2008:
Sandblasting the frame and engine; testing the PTO.

misc parts painted black
September 01, 2008:
Painting the frame and miscellaneous parts black.
September 24, 2008:
Working on gear shifters and engine parts.

Winch PTO in place
February 12, March 14 and 28, 2009:
Installing the PTO, winch, and fairlead.
dirty, old brakes
April 09 and 18, 2009:
Painting wheel parts and replacing old brakes.

Time to put the tub on
September 04 thru 06, 2009:
Work party to put on wheels, tub, and seats.
Jeep kitties
September 06, 2010:
Work party to put on engine parts.

Time to put the tub on
July 2014:
Grill, fenders, fuel pumps and more.
Jeep kitties
September 28, 2014:
CFFC Work party to get Kate's Karriage rolling!

It's restored to its former farm machine glory.
Kate's Karriage headlight flashing kate's karriage is now roaming once again on Colorado ranch land!
Page created 04/15/2007; modified 08/14/2015
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