Kate's Karriage

Aug 24, 2008

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the yellow tub
After I finished sanding the rough spots, I gave the tub one more coat of paint and moved it out of the paint booth. It is now waiting to be mounted on the frame.

sandblasting the frame
In this photo, I have rolled the chassis out on to a tarp in my driveway. I used coarse sand in my pressure pot and with my new 60 gallon air compressor providing the air, this outfit made very short work of old paint and exposed rust. It was still a lot of work to sand blast the clay off the frame and motor. It took me probably 40 or more pots of sand to complete this part of the sandblasting.

the tub with more coats of yellow
Here is a close up of the engine after it and the frame had been completely sandblasted. It is sitting in the paint booth waiting to be painted.

the tub with more coats of yellow
After completely painting the frame, axles, and engine, I decided to experiment with a Ramsey PTO unit to see if it would work to power the Koenig winch. Here I have it mounted to check the alignment for the prop shaft.

Page created 09/07/2008; modified 11/20/2009
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