2011 Happenings:
- The conversion of Electro-Willys bit into our Jeeping time with the Blue Mule. It wasn't until Jennifer came to visit, that the Blue Mule even got out of the stable.
- The first excursion was in early July when Mike took Jennifer and her cousin Sharyl jeeping on Aspen Ridge. They had a blast.
- A few days later, they took Blue Mule over to Raspberry Gulch to see the Grandfather tree.
- In mid-July, we went up north of Fort Collins for the annual Northern Colorado Run. We had beautiful weather and beautiful views!
- It wasn't until early September that we went out again with Blue Mule. We took a day trip over Aspen Ridge to Dry Lakes and Ranch of the Rockies.
- The next week, Mike took friends from Seattle up to Hancock Lake for an early fall color tour.
- The aspen and cottonwoods were spectacular for the CFFC Fall Color Tour. The colors persisted a full four weeks or more this year.