Kate's Karriage

January 12, 2008

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paint booth construction 01
This is the frame for the paint booth that I am building in my garage. I wan to be able to control both climate and fumes while I am painting large parts, the body, or the frame. This will get 2 layers of plastic - one inside and one outside. It measures 8 feet tall by 10 feet wide by 16 feet long. Most of it is 1x4 lumber with 2x4 vertical studs.

April 05, 2008

Click on thumbnails for a larger pop-up photo.

paint booth construction 02
I'm finally getting around to putting the plastic up on the inside of the spray booth. I used 6mil clear and it was too stiff in the cold weather earlier to put up..

paint booth construction 03
This is looking into the booth, through the doorway. You can see the cardboard tabs that I stapled through to hold the plastic against the wood. You can also see the back half of the jeep that desperately needs to be painted.

paint booth construction 04
Here's the view of the booth from the backside. 6mil clear plastic is not very clear, but it still lets plenty of light through from the garage lights hanging above it. This will contain the paint fumes as I paint the jeep and the parts. I have a fan that will pull the fumes from this booth and blow them outside the garage.

Page created 01/12/2008; modified 11/20/2009
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