Kate's Karriage

May 04, 2007

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body removal 01
This is Brett holding a wrench on the passenger floor bolt while I am underneath trying to turn the nut.

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Here's Kate checking out our progress, anxiously awaiting the moment we get to remove the body.

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Here I am removing the last of the bolts holding the body to the frame. Its a good thing my creeper isn't any taller.

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Dang found another bolt, and this one's in a tough spot.

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Here we are testing to be sure that all the bolts on the drivers side have been removed.

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Giving last minute instructions and making sure everything is clear so we can lift the body over the steering shaft and the transmission shifter.

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Come on now... get it a little bit higher. We aren't over the steering shaft yet.

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Set it down easy and watch out for your fingers.

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First view of the dirt on the transmission and transfer case.

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We are discovering lots of hidden mud inside the frame rails.

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Bolting on the towbar so that we can haul it to our neighbor's in the morning and pressure wash it again.

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I think that radiator will come off before we take it down to be pressure washed.

Page created 05/10/2007; modified 11/20/2009
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