Kate's Karriage

March 24, 2007

Click on thumbnails for a larger pop-up photo.

arrival 02
After hours of hauling it through mud, rain, and snow, we finally arrive at home.

arrival 03
Here we are lining it up to roll the jeep off into the garage.

as is 01
Before we rolled it off the trailer, I had to reinflate each tire to 40 lbs. Several weeks later, they are all still inflated despite their ancient age.

as is 03
Finally, it is down on the concrete where I can start to disassemble and clean it.

as is 04
That spare tire is really ancient and probably hasn't been off the jeep in over 50 years.

as is 05
Now Kate's Karriage is sharing the garage with The Blue Mule (on the left) and the pieces of Green Jeanne (on the right).

Page created 04/15/2007; modified 11/20/2009
copyright 2007-2009 "webDesign by Ellen"™.