Kate's Karriage

Sept 04 thru 06, 2009

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painted wheel
Labor Day weekend, Kate and her family came up for a work party.

Brand new tire on a freshly painted rim. It's complete with a hand painted pin stripe.

explaining parts
Mike and Brett are explaining some of the parts to Kate.

kate pinstripping wheels
Kate is trying her hand at painting a pin stripe on a wheel. I hope she doesn't mess it up!

putting on tub 01
Ready? One, two, three, lift! We are lifting the body off the wood dolly so we can put it on the Jeep frame.

putting on tub 02
Ok. let's wiggle it a little to get the shifters up through the holes.

putting on tub 03
Let's check the alignment of all the mounting holes so we know it is in the right place.

proud Kate
The peanut gallery is admiring how nice the body and frame look together.

Ethan's painted carriage bolts
It wouldn't be "Kate's Karriage" without a few carriage bolts. Ethan uses the gravel to hold them for a final coat of paint.

Leah and spare tire
Leah is helping by putting the spare tire on the mount. She is happy because she figured out how to use a rachet.

installing covers for shifters
Ethan is busy bolting in the covers for the transmission and PTO shifter.

Kate ready to drive?
Silly Kate! You can't test drive it until the steering wheel is installed!

Leah's handiwork
Leah is diligently cleaning up some small parts for us to install. Good job Leah!

Page created 03/03/2013; modified 03/17/2013
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