Kate's Karriage

July 25, 2008

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sanding the painted tub
After putting 4 coats of yellow paint on the tub, I had a few places that still were not very smooth and the cowl was one of them. I used 200 grit paper for this initial sanding.

sanding the painted tub
I though about using a rotary sanding disc on my grinder, but because I had a palm sander that could also connect up to my shop vac, I decided to use it instead. That worked very well for controlling the sanding dust.

sandblasted seat frame
Here I have one of the seat frames in the small sanding booth, waiting to be sandblasted. By using the sandblaster instead of a wire wheel, I was able to clean out dirt and paint even in tiny cracks and crevices. I used walnut shells to do this clean up, which worked well on paint, but was mediocre on rust.

sandblasted winchsandblasted winch
Here is the Koenig winch after I finished sandblasting it with the walnut shells. After taking the paint off the aluminum housings, I decided that I'm going to leave the aluminum unpainted. I will however, paint all the steel parts.

Page created 09/07/2008; modified 11/20/2009
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